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Alzheimer’s Disease: The Battle for Awareness, Funding and a Cure

Alzheimer's is a terrible diagnosis that affects not only those who have it but everyone involved. People fear because of his exhausting nature, resulting in a constant decline in mental faculties while the body maintains life.

It allows a person to live physically without being aware of their surroundings, caring for themselves, or recognizing and communicating with loved ones. Though you can also check Alzheimer’s treatments options online.

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This slow decline can destroy a family. The care obligations can become overwhelming and in many cases can no longer be managed at home. This has an emotional and physical impact on everyone involved.

Its prevalence is staggering, with more than 5 million Americans aged 65 and over and an estimated 200,000 living with the disease early. Current statistics show that 11% of people over 65 (one in nine) have Alzheimer's disease.

This rises to 32% of those over 85 years old (nearly a third). Statistics also show that women are two-thirds more likely to develop Alzheimer's and other dementias.

The reasons for this are largely unknown, but the fact that women, on average, live longer than men may explain this higher proportion.

Current estimates suggest that one in eight baby boomers will develop Alzheimer's disease, and even if they don't, they will become a caregiver for someone who has it.