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Follow these Safety Protocols while Moving Heavy Materials Manually

 companies in Brisbane earthmoving

In the construction and earthmoving industry, heavy machines play a massive role to get the work done. Heavy machines help in doing massive work that isn’t possible with humans. But the moment smaller materials are involved, workers are the ones to do the work without relying on the heavy machines. These are a few tips that help to move heavy materials manually in a safe manner.

  1. Wear Safety Equipment – At every construction site, it is important to wear safety gear at all times. From gloves to long sleeve shirts, face masks to hard hats, all safety equipment should be worn at all times. Not only will it keep you safe but also avoid any form of injuries and accidents.
  2. Use Proper Lifting Technique – For moving light to medium materials, it is important to use the correct lifting technique. At the time of lifting the material, bend your hips and knees down and bring the item close to your chest. This will help you to avoid injuring your back. Therefore, use this proper lifting technique.
  3. Get Handles – Apart from using the lifting technique, you should also consider adding handles to the materials. This will give you the grip you need in order to move the materials in an easy and efficient manner.
  4. Get Help – If you aren’t able to move the items and materials on your own, then ask your workmates to help you. You may not be the strongest individual however you should get help before injuring yourself.

Employees working in earthmoving companies in Brisbane follow these safety tips.