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Glass sinks: where art meets function

Glass sinks are one of the most beautiful home trends today. It can turn your sink into a positive focal point. Many wonder if glass sinks would be a practical investment, but the truth is that these sinks are as durable as they are beautiful, and with proper care, they will give you satisfaction for years to come.

Glass sinks are generally the container design sink that is becoming more and more popular for home design but can also be wall-mounted or base design.

Some of these glass sinks add additional light to the top. The light could be over the sink, either under or actually inside the glass to enhance the luminescence of this glass. You can browse for more information on the best mini kiln.

To see examples of such sinks, you can visit a luxury home design store or you can consult one of the many online resources for information on glass countertops or retailers that sell them.

Container Mount Sink – These types of glass sinks are mounted to the countertop or other surface with a self-rim or dropped into a hole in the countertop.

Pedestal Design – Those glass sinks have a single base for a base or multiple legs.

Hanging on the wall: Those glass countertops also known as wall-mounted, have the sink pipes hidden behind the walls, along with the faucet and other accessories that protrude directly from the wall.