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How can you wear tight shoes if you have bunions on the foot?

Sometimes you just have to do what you should want to do. If you have a bunion on the big toe the recommendation which health care professionals are likely to provide you with is really going to be to make certain that your footwear is of an appropriate width in the forefoot so as not to push on the bunion or push the large toe over even more. You will probably receive some information on several exercises that you could perform to help in keeping the big toe mobile and adaptable. You can be provided with some instruction regarding the reason for the bunion being a combination of inherited genes and poor fitting shoes and the importance of getting the appropriate shoes to get a better long lasting final result. You might even get told off at a follow up visit if you're not following this help and advice. There may also be a discussion of several kinds of pads that can be used to relieve stress over the bunion and different ones which you can use in your shoes to make them more at ease when they are painful. You will likely have a discussion around the operative options for bunions and just how different surgical procedures may be done as well as what is the time to recover following bunion surgical procedures.

However at times (or even frequently) you are in a situation where you have to put on or use the footwear which you have just been told aren't good for your feet, or perhaps worse, you will need to put on tight fitting footwear for some kind of special occasion. The world certainly will not end if you do that occasionally, but it is likely to be a problem for your bunion if you do it a lot. What else could you do when you are in that situation and want something to help you get through to help protect the bunion and maybe even reduce long term issues? You can find options that perhaps you may want to try to help you get through the temporary use of the improper shoes. One of these products which we often advise people to use will be the Bunion Assassin or comparable devices. The Bunion Assassin is a sleeve which goes about the forefoot and between your first and second toe. In between the toes the device has a silicon pad which places a gentle separation between the toes to place them in a much more proper place. In addition, it has a thin silicone padding that goes on the bunion to cushion it coming from footwear strain making it more at ease. The Bunion Assassin isn't going to get rid of the bunion, it is on the other hand, will make it much more comfortable and maybe help to make that footwear which you probably shouldn't be wearing a lot more tolerable. In addition, should you choose to wind up dressed in those inappropriate footwear very occasionally, you could consider the bunion corrector night brace that will go some way to repairing a portion of the deterioration which the shoe may have done. Also after having a evening out with these unsuitable shoes you know you shouldn't be using, do some exercises to mobilise the the big toe joint.