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How good are the Archies arch supporting flip flops?

Foot supports are frequently used to manage a variety of foot conditions. The actual scientific research is that they are typically beneficial and they also help usually to help individuals with a range of different foot conditions. Despite that success there are numerous people and health professionals who do not approve of foot orthotics, occasionally calling foot orthotics crutches and to be not used as people may become dependant on them. For this reason they recommend against using foot orthotics and advocate options. There are many of solutions that may be tried if an informed selection is made by each person in regards to what is the best for them. One option is muscle strengthening. The muscles that support the mid-foot (arch) of the feet may be strengthened and reconditioned to support the arch. A possible problem with this method would it be isn't something that is going to take place in the short term and is more of a long term alternative. This could be a challenge if there is a lot of discomfort existing and a short term remedy is required.

One other option is to use flip flops which have the arch support built into the design. There are actually multiple brands in the marketplace with the Archies Arch Support Thongs being one of the more well known. These are known as “thongs” because that is what they name flip flops in Australia which is where they are from. There are actually a good number of jokes about that terminology difference. The Archie thongs includes a 2.2 cm arch included in them which is very similar to what you get in most pre-fabricated foot orthotics. These are becoming highly regarded with podiatrists in Australia with many podiatry clinics promoting them. This is an option that is in line with those who choose to use that kind of footwear as a lifestyle choice as foot supports may limit the range of shoes that can be used.