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Learning From Hypnobirthing Audiobooks

Hypnobirthing has nothing to do with hypnosis. There is no oscillator to watch it sway before dropping asleep. There are no out-of-body activities or safe words to bring you back to actuality. No one will ask you to make cluck like a chicken.

Instead, this technique is based on the principles of meditation to make it easier for the -to-be to rest so that the body can relax completely during labor and childbirth. 

The Mongon method and some of its independent recordings are helpful – but all in almost the same direction: women listen to hypnobirthing audiobooks during pregnancy and labor that offer encouragement and mantras so they can be repeated to relax their bodies in natural labor without pain medication.

hypnobirthing audiobook

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Hypnobirthing audiobook was developed to educate pregnant women who are interested in effective and comprehensive relief of labor pain, hypnosis methods, and techniques, as well as to prove its validity through research and real-life cases. Likewise, partners and parents in the mother support network will find this audiobook invaluable in assisting the process.

HypnoBirthing has gained momentum around the world as a positive and empowering method of delivery. Therefore: HypnoBirthing helps women to strengthen themselves by developing awareness of the instinctive ability to give birth to their bodies.

This significantly reduces pain during childbirth and childbirth. Often eliminates the need for medication; reduces the need for cesarean section or other medically controlled delivery intervention.