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Overseas Contractors And Workers Compensation Claims

If you were injured to in working for a builder in the USA, you may typically seek advantages through a state employees' compensation application..

The Protection of Workers Injured Overseas

Back in 1927, the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act was passed, providing a route for injured overseas employees to pursue gains for job-related accidents. The LHWCA was made to give security to dockworkers and other marine employees not covered by the Jones Act. 

 overseas compensation

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Back in 1941, Congress enacted the defense base act (DBA), extending the policy given by the LHWCA to U.S. government builders in foreign lands. The DBA offers extensive coverage, providing advantages too:

-Anyone operating on a public contract with any American government service.

-Anyone working for a private company on a U.S. military foundation, or property used for military functions Outside the United States.

-Workers on projects financed under the Foreign Assistance Act.

In case you're injured as a worker of a U.S. contractor abroad, you need to provide prompt notice of your injury to a manager. To recover compensation, you also need to submit your claim for reimbursement to the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs. 

If your injury prevents you from working, you're entitled to reimbursement for lost salary, calculated as an average yearly wage. You might also be qualified for a scheduled award, dependent on the nature and permanency of your injuries.