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All About Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD, TMJ)

It is believed that your temporomandibular joint is an instrument that connects your jaw with the temporal bones of your skull that are situated behind each ear. It allows you to move your jaw upwards and downwards and side-to-side, which allows you to chew, talk, and even yawn.

Jaw problems and the muscles within your face that regulate the jaw are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). However, you might be misinformed about the term TMJ because of the joint. You can also look for the dental clinics in your area for more treatments.

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What is the cause of TMD?

We aren't sure what causes TMD. Dentists think that the symptoms are caused by issues with the muscles in your jaw or joints themselves.

Damage to your jaw joint or the muscles in your neck and head such as from a violent hit or whiplash can result in TMD. Other causes are:

  • Clenching or grinding the teeth can put an immense amount of pressure on your joints.

  • The motion of the cushion, or disc that is between the socket and the ball of the joint

  • Arthritis of the joint

  • Stress can cause you to contract jaw and facial muscles, or to clench your teeth

What is TMD Diagnosed?

Other conditions can cause similar symptoms, including tooth decay, sinus problems, arthritis, or gum disease. To determine what's causing your symptoms, your dentist will inquire about your medical history and perform a physical examination.