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A Brief About Apple Watch

Apple's iWatch, a smart watch designed by Apple which is a company known for its products. This watch will enable users to perform basics like checking Facebook notifications, updates, and even calling "Siri". Additionally, the watch comes with apps like Calendar, Health, Weather mail, iMessages, and Apple's Passbook, which includes NFC as well as Maps. 

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  • It is the Digital Crown

Digital crowns are the dials placed within the dial of your watch. It's the input method that is used by this device. The watch lets you zoom between your apps, maps and photos by turning it. When you press it in, it will allow you to connect to Siri and will also bring you back to your home screen.

  • Feedback via Taptic Feedback

This is a great feature that Apple has added into its watches. The feature allows you to communicate through tapping on the screen, which transmits "taptic" feedback (which are essentially gentle exact vibrations) to your watcher. It's a bit like morse code, which allows users to contact friends via tapping on the screen.

  •  Conversation Button

It also has an additional button located just below the crown digitally. allows users to communicate with their other friends. It is accomplished by pressing the button which will bring photos and contact details to. It is possible to make a phone call using the electronic crown.

  •  Replaceable Watch Straps

The straps can be changed without having to visit a repair shop. All you need to do is purchase the straps, and the rest is yours.