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Why Choose Organic Cotton T Shirts Online?

Wearing a shirt that feels so soft is probably something everyone would love to experience. Oftentimes, people would be looking for 100% cotton t-shirts online as the t-shirt is guaranteed to be made entirely of cotton and does not use any other materials. However, there is only one dark aspect of 100% cotton t-shirts that most people do not know about, and that is their environmental impact.

Yes, cotton production is one of the things that pollute the environment the most. Cotton plants require a large number of nutrients to produce the proper amount of cotton needed for making T-shirts online.

What large cotton farms do is provide abundant fertilizers to meet the needs of the cotton. They also use many pesticides to keep insects off cotton. If you want the best cotton heritage t-shirts visit


Using pesticides can temporarily help ensure that pests do not infest cotton fields. However, after prolonged use, weeds and pests also develop some immunity to these chemicals, which justifies the use of an additional amount. So once fertilizers or pesticides are used, the amount used will just keep increasing over time.

While this data may sound sad, there is still a silver lining to making cotton T-shirts, and that is through the use of organic cotton. This type of cotton is grown with natural means such as animal compost instead of synthetic fertilizers. They also use organic pesticides that come primarily from plants and are not chemically based which are often carcinogens.

Some notable manufacturers have adhered to organic practices. They are located in various places, some of which can be found in Australia. They have been making organic cotton t-shirts online ranging from men's t-shirts, women's t-shirts, to children's or baby clothing.