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A Brief History of Customer Support

Before call centers and social media, local business owners often knew their customers very well. And while local businesses often know their customers well, customer service isn't perfect during this period. 

Customers have limited purchasing and maintenance options, few opportunities to educate themselves and solve their own problems, and scarce resources to avoid dealing with nonconforming products and poor service. For more information about customer support, you can visit this site –

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Since then, customer service has undergone several dramatic changes, starting with the telephone business and the emergence of call centers in the 1960s. Suddenly the company was able to solve customer problems (or at least nominally provide service), albeit somewhat impersonally, on a larger and more efficient scale.

This trend has increased dramatically with increasing competition and price pressures, and by the 1980s many companies were throwing out all manner of add-ons to services that could not be directly linked to their profits.

But wider internet access has changed things again. Between social media, online forums, and review websites, today's customers have many resources to learn more about the business they are considering and the products they offer, and disgruntled customers can reach more people with their horror stories.

This has created a new era of customer support where there is a much greater need for businesses to differentiate themselves by providing great service.