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Dog Day Care in Durham

Starting a Dog Day Care can be a very rewarding and profitable business for anyone looking to begin working in the growing pet industry. Basically, Dog Day Care is a daycare for dogs and this idea is continuing to explode as more and more people are looking for fun activities for their dogs to do while they are at work.

To start a doggy day care school in Durham, all you really need is adequate indoor and outdoor space to accommodate the number of dogs you will allow into your daycare. In most cases, you will need a minimum space of 1,500 square feet on the outside as this is where the dogs will spend a majority of their time. The inside space is more for kennels and eating areas although you will need a small play area for bad weather days.

Durham 245095659 300 - Dog Day School Durham NC

The outside area can include such play items as pools and slides and needs to have a shaded area where the dogs can stay cool on a hot day. You can also have most of their toys outside and a spot for them to get food and water if necessary. Most dogs will play fine together, but a small pen for dogs who are acting up will help you keep harmonious daycare.

Individuals are willing to pay similar prices for a dog daycare as they would for their kids. This means you can charge $50-$100 per week for each dog in your care although lower prices will have to be charged in certain areas. You can also make money with such services as grooming, boarding, and training.

All About Dog Grooming Techniques

It is important for dog lovers to learn some dog raising techniques and tips so that you can keep your dog healthy and clean. It is important to keep your dog clean and tidy for raising them as this will also make them happy and disease-free members of the family.

While you can always send your dog to a professional groomer, there are still some dog breeding techniques and tips you can learn so you can do them yourself at home. This not only saves a lot of money when you look at professional-grade students but is also a great way to regain the happiness and loyalty that your pet has given you. If you are looking for dog groomer in Durham NC, then you can search on the internet.


Here are some dog breeding techniques and tips to get you started.

Bath technique

Most dogs don't like to shower, especially the first time. Developing good bathing techniques for your dog is very helpful for looking forward to each bath.

One pet dog technique, especially in the bath, is to reward your dog as soon as he steps into the water or in the shower. However, before trying to take your dog to the bathroom, it's important that you prepare everything for the shower – a good non-human dog shampoo, towels and treats. It is also important to attach rubber mats so that the bath is not slippery for your pet. Obviously dogs don't like to be placed in situations where it struggles to strike a balance with the cold water running through its body.

Once he enters the bathroom, give him a gift. This will help her to combine bathing with something nice.

Nail cutting technique

Your dog's nails should be trimmed every 3 or 4 weeks, as uncut nails can be painful for your dog, especially if he starts to shrink. The first time this is your first time trimming your dog's nails, let a professional teach you how to do it. Dogs have blood vessels in their nails, and hitting them can be painful and cause bleeding.