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Employment History Verification To Prevent Employee Theft

While conducting background checks on employees can be time-consuming and costly, the company leader sees many benefits. A background check on employees can help to eliminate dishonest candidates and identify people who are unlikely to be able or able, in the long-term, to perform the job. 

It is much easier to conduct criminal background checks before you hire a new employee. This will save you the hassle of having to do it again later. You can hop over the site to know more about how to conduct employment history checks.


Companies must weigh the potential benefits of background screenings for employees against the risk of being sued. American courts have held that American companies have a "duty to care" for the public, their customers, and their employees. 

Corporations are required to investigate all employees in positions that might pose a threat to security. If you fail to conduct criminal background checks on your taxi drivers and one of them is drunk, and causes an accident that results in death, you may be sued. 

You must also ensure that your background screenings for employment are compliant with privacy laws. Otherwise, a potential applicant could sue you. 

When you conduct background checks for employment, be aware that there are certain pieces of legislation such as the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act that will dictate how they should proceed. Your attorney can help you ensure that your background check protocol is in line with the law.