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How Should You Use The MultiPro Tailgate?

Trick 1: Traditional tailgate

If you want to use the MultiPro as a traditional (main) tailgate, just do it. 

Here you can simply press the button at the top on the back of the tailgate or lower it with the key ring. You can also visit tailgatefix to get the services for your multipro tailgate.

Image Source: Google

On the Sierra is a switch, which is located just to the left of the hazard warning switch on the strip with eight switches under the HVAC and control seat and above the trailer hitch, via the USB port, a 12-volt output, and three-gear terminal switch.

Trick  2: Stop the weights at the primary main door

Have you ever brought utensils or plywood sheets that were too long for a large bed? We can hear you! The problem is, of course, that whatever you wear can slip if you don't have a safety net. 

Fortunately, the MultiPro tailgate has a built-in load limiter that is part of the inner door panel. Just relax and fold it upright and there's extra space to carry it around.

Trick 3: Easy Access

Tall trucks are not only more difficult to access for short people. In Sierra 4 × 4, the gates are straight and 6 feet tall. With the internal gate lowered, you can move 7 to 9 inches closer to the tailgate and easily find what's inside.