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Questions Small Businesses Should Ask When Hiring An IT Service Provider

Based on the assumption that SMEs often do not need to meet specific criteria to hire an IT service provider for their day-to-day IT needs, the following list is a practical “gimmick” that addresses critical business issues.

1) What specific hardware and software products, packages and offerings does your IT company offer or resell to make our business more efficient and productive?

For example, if you are a small business, some phone systems work better and are licensed for small businesses with hundreds of employees.

Some even have a limit of 50 employees or less, or a limit on the number of jobs they can do at the same time. You can click over here to get IT services.

2) Do the services, hardware and software you offer actually reduce our total cost of ownership (TCO) in the short or long term? If so, how?

For example, installing a new VoIP telephone system can inevitably lead to high acquisition costs. However, if you research that a new Internet Protocol telephone system can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in long distance and while on site costs, once installed, the initial costs can be worth the long term savings.

3) What is your fee structure and how will it benefit my small or medium business?

Cost structures come in all sizes, shapes and structures to suit large companies, often not small and medium sized businesses.

While purchasing an “incident-based” fee structure can be tempting because you are only paying for each IT issue, the downside of the negative effect of this fee structure is that some vendors may not find a solution for themselves. Get more money from IT services. This is a long term solution to your problem.