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Menopause- What Does It Mean For Your Skin?

Despite the fact that menopause (the permanent stopping of a women’s period) is a natural stage in life that all females go through, affecting half the population, up until recent years it has remained a stubbornly taboo subject.

Not only does perimenopause mean the start of fluctuating hormones as most are aware will happen, but many will notice how menopause can affect the skin. Unfortunately, as women begin menopause, there is a drop in estrogen which can often play havoc on the skin, causing sensitivity, acne, and dryness. 

Collagen and elastin levels also take a nosedive, making skin thinner, more prone to drying out and sagging. You can check real results in old women after menopause.

During both perimenopause and menopause, in addition to your body not producing as much collagen and elastin, your oil glands aren’t as active which can cause dry skin. In addition to dry skin, many will experience skin discoloration, acne, and dark eye circles.

It’s not all doom and gloom, however – the good news is there are ways to prevent menopause from having such an impact on your skin – and the great news is that these suggestions will improve your overall health, helping you to feel better in general.

Hydration and diet are key

Drinking lots of water goes a long way to maintaining skin quality as we age. Staying hydrated will reduce the dehydrating effect of falling estrogen and can help keep skin looking plump and youthful. Try a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and cut back on caffeine and spicy food which can trigger hot flushes.