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How Thumb Sucking Can Harm Teeth?

Thumb sucking is a normal and healthy habit for the baby to do. It gives babies and toddlers a sense of comfort and emotional security. However, if the children continue to suck their thumb beyond the age of 4-5, it can cause a variety of problems including endangering their oral health.

Damage to Teeth

Children who have the habit of thumb sucking can, unfortunately, end up damaging their teeth. You can visit the Amazon UK website to get complete details on how to stop thumb sucking in children.

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Children with thumb-sucking them with a lot of motion can damage their baby teeth; although this problem usually corrects itself when the permanent teeth grow in, can affect the shape of the teeth and the roof of the mouth.

Improper Bite

Extended thumb sucking can cause children's teeth to form an improper bite. For children with a proper bite, the upper front teeth slightly overlapping them under their front teeth when the mouth is completely closed.

However, for children who have open bite, teeth they will not overlap at all. Improper bite can make it difficult to eat and chew properly and force the back teeth wear down more quickly because of the extra pressure.

Speech problems

One of the most common problems associated with thumb sucking is difficult to speak after the permanent teeth have grown in. Teeth are aligned as a result of thumb sucking can cause distortion when making certain sounds. In addition, long-term thumb sucking can affect their tongue thrust, which affects the pattern of swallowing them.