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What Are The Causes And Treatments Sleep Enuresis

Sleep Enuresis is also known as Bedwetting which is the term used to describe the inability to control urinary flow at the night. The frequent involuntary urination during sleep also known as Nocturnal Enuresis is defined by at least two instances each month in between 3 and 6-year-old infants and at minimum one each month in older children.

Although it is normal for children younger than 7 to experience an enuretic episode, it is estimated that five percent of kids 10 years older children and 3% of 12-year-olds, and up to 13% of teenagers aged 18 and older could continue to suffer from this condition. You can choose the deep sleep disorder treatment to recover your child.

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The primary and secondary forms of enuresis

Primary Enuresis refers to involuntary urinary tract infections that begin in infancy having at minimum two instances per week and comprise 70%-80% of all cases. Secondary Enuresis, on other hand, is the possibility of relapse following prolonged dryness. People who are older are most likely to be affected by secondary form.

Sleep-related causes:

Sleep Enuresis may be caused by a variety of diet, hormonal or emotional triggers. One of the main reasons for Sleep Enuresis is the inability to establish the antidiuretic hormone cycle in certain people. 

When this process is in place, generally developed by people between the age of 2 and 6 years old, the pituitary gland produces a hormone late at night, that encourages the retention of water in the kidneys, decreasing the output of urine until the time of sunrise. 

The inability to produce this hormonal cycle naturally leads to Sleep Enuresis. An overactive bladder may cause sleep enuresis in many children. In nature, muscle spasms are common in the bladder during retention and elimination.