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What Is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontics is a specialty in dental treatment. It is often associated with metal braces. This specialty can also address issues with the jaws and positioning of teeth to ensure that they function optimally.

Occlusion is the way upper and lower teeth meet in bite position. This is the goal of orthodontic treatment. You can have the best dental orthodontic treatment at

Orthodontics: Maloccclusion, other problems, and starting treatment

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While orthodontic treatment can be done at any age, most dentists prefer patients to be twelve- or thirteen years old for optimal treatment.

Children will have lost all their baby teeth by this time, but they won’t be experiencing a growth spurt yet, which can make it easier and faster to perform the treatment. 

They also have a lower likelihood of having had any other dental procedures or treatments that could hinder the ability to do orthodontics. 

Orthodontic treatment can correct crooked, crowded, misaligned, or overbites teeth. Orthodontic treatments can also correct gaps or spaces between teeth. 

You want a healthy, straight smile that allows for more tooth growth. A problem with the bite can lead to poor health and make it more likely that teeth will be damaged. The other benefit of proper orthodontic treatment is the enhancement of facial appearance.

Consultation with your dentist is the first step to determine if orthodontics might be right for you. Some dentists are not trained in orthodontic dentistry. If your dentist isn't qualified, you will be referred to a specialist. Your dentist will examine your bite and take X-rays. Once you have this information, you can create a plan.