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How to Install Your In-Ground Basketball Hoop?

There's only one solution to your problem if you are tired of going to the gym or the park to practice your jump shots. Installing an in-ground basketball court at your home will allow you to practice your shots and spend hours shooting.

You can practice what you preach and it's a great way to get better. All in-ground basketball hoops would be the best choice if you are thinking of buying a new hoop. It's not an easy process, so I created this article to assist you.

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Once you have your hoop, gather all your supplies. You will need approximately 850 lbs of dry concrete mix. However, this may vary depending on your hoop. A level, shovel, and wheelbarrow are also required.

Once you have everything, it is important to choose the right spot. In-ground hoops should be installed on a flat area in the driveway. A flat, even surface will help prevent injuries and keep you from falling over.

Now it's time for you to dig. Dig a 2×2 foot hole. You should dig it about 2 feet deep. Next, use your marker to mark a place 18 inches above the pole. You will now need to mix the concrete. Follow the instructions on your bag. After the cement has been mixed, you can fill the hole with cement. Press the cement down to place the pole in cement. Fill the pole with cement and verify that it is straight using the level. It should dry for approximately 48 hours.

Once the pole has been placed, attach the backboard and hoop. You're now ready to play.