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What are the Benefits of Tadelakt?

Tadelakt is a stunning finish for your painted home. It has a very sophisticated look that can really elevate your décor. Plus, it's super easy to apply and doesn't require any special tools or skills. 

If you are interested in giving tadelakt a try on your next project, you may navigate here

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Here are some of the benefits of using tadelakt:

1. It Looks Expensive: 

One of the best things about tadelakt is that it looks expensive. It gives your home a luxurious appearance that will really make a statement.

2. It Can Enhance Any décor: 

Tadelakt can be used on any type of paint job – traditional or modern – so you can have the perfect finishing touch for your home no matter what style you're going for.

3. It's Easy To Clean: 

Tadelakt is easy to clean, so you won't have to worry about messes and stains constantly cropping up. Plus, it's resistant to fading so it'll look great for years to come.

How to Apply Tadelakt?

Tadelakt is a beautiful finish for your painted home. It is a semi-transparent, matte varnish that can be applied to any kind of surface. It is perfect for adding depth and dimension to your walls, ceilings, and floors.

To apply tadelakt, you will first need to clean the surface you want to paint with a cloth or brush. Make sure all grease, oil, and dust are removed from the surface. Next, prepare the tadelakt mixture by mixing equal parts white vinegar and linseed oil. 

Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray it onto the prepared surface. Use a cotton cloth to apply the tadelakt mixture in an even layer. Allow it to dry completely before applying any other coats of paint or finish.