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What Is An E-Book?

E-books have come so far in their short history that most online surfers have heard of them and understand a different format. The key to an e-book is that it is an electronic version of the book that does not require a printed version.

However, they could be available on paper if the publisher so decided. Many self-published authors see e-books as an easy way to express their ideas without the costs and barriers of traditional publishing. Mind-bending non-fiction eBook can provide you the up-to-date information from scientific research data online.

The main reason for creating e-books can be summarized with efficiency. E-books don't disappear as physical books and there are no problems with torn pages or worn covers.

In terms of costs, there's no need to spend a fortune on deforestation to make thousands of copies of a book without knowing if it will sell. Another effective feature of e-books is that they are easier to update.

Traditional books have been published in a number of on-demand publications. However, if the demand subsides, the book may be out of print and out of date. The original press may also contain incorrect information or typos.

However, with e-books, writers can always have the latest version ready for distribution online as errors can be fixed immediately rather than waiting months for printing.

Today's e-books are designed for smaller screens than ever before. Dedicated e-book readers have become additional electronic devices that people buy specifically for reading e-books and online newspapers.