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What are the Advantages of Blu Ray Authoring?

It is a high-density optical storage format. It was initially designed to supersede the DVD format but has since been adopted by virtually all major movie studios as their primary physical media delivery format for new releases. The advantages of Blu-Ray authoring are many. From the increased quality of video and audio to the ability to include bonus features. 

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Here are a few things why you should consider Blu-Ray authoring:

1. Increased Quality and Detail: One of the biggest benefits of Blu-Ray authoring is the increase in quality and detail over traditional DVD publishing. Because Blu-Ray discs use higher-resolution video and audio, your content will look and sound better than ever before.

2. Bonus Features: One of the great things about Blu-Ray authoring is that you can include bonus features that would not typically be included on a DVD release. This could include interviews with cast and crew, behind-the-scenes footage, or even deleted scenes.

3. Increased Engagement: It can also improve customer engagement by giving them more content to consume than they would receive with a traditional DVD release. This means that they will be more likely to stick around after opening your product packaging, which could lead to increased sales down the road.