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Types of Root Canal Therapy in Rocky Mountain House

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure that removes the infected or decay-causing roots of teeth. The root canal process begins with an examiner (Dentist) numbing the area around the tooth with local anesthetics (such as lidocaine) in order to reduce any pain during surgery.

There are several types of root canal therapy, each with its own benefits. Here is a brief overview of the most common types:

Endodontic therapy involves drilling down into the root canals to remove decay and bacteria. This is typically done using an endodontist (a dentist who specializes in this type of treatment). If you are looking for root canal therapy then you can contact Mountainview Dental Centre.

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Endodontic therapy is the most common type of root canal treatment, and it is usually successful in restoring teeth to their original condition. However, endodontic therapy is also the most expensive form of treatment, and it can sometimes require multiple treatments to restore teeth to their full health.

Oral surgery involves removing damaged or diseased teeth by cutting them out and replacing them with healthy dentures or implants. Oral surgery is often used when endodontic therapy isn't an option or when endodontic treatment isn't effective. Oral surgery can be more expensive than other forms of root canal therapy, but it often results in quicker restoration of teeth to their original condition.

PeriodONTICS (periapical) refers to any dental procedure that occurs within the apical third (the central third) of the tooth's crown or gum line, including cleaning/debridement, re-amalgamation, sealants if necessary, implant placement/reconstruction, and finally restoration (crown replacement).